Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Christmas Day & The Special One to Follow.

Our Christmas morning began at 3:30 a.m.
with a little tot so excited 
(I'm not sure if he understood about Santa or what had him hyped) to be awake,
 that he later crashed thank goodness for three more hours. 
Waking up to this sight, as our last day together as a family of three, had my heart so full. 

We opened beautiful gifts from family...

This one is from my sister. 
This is the sort of thing that I love to have at home.
Something beautiful, something meaningful.

And boy oh boy, did mom surprise me.
Who wouldn't smile at such a sight??
Pure happiness.

We shared breakfast together.
A sweet tooth, I have.

And just like every other Christmas I've known, my sister crashes before the party ends.

Like every other Christmas, this was such a special one.
We were together as a family.
It's somehow passed as quickly as I knew it would, like this whole year has, where spring, summer and fall have disappeared before we could catch them. 
2011 was the most beautiful year I've ever experienced as a new mother. Accepting every day as a beautiful gift, being handed the opportunity to make memories and live new experiences, to show excitement to learn, to get the chance to love with all your heart...
 I then saw life from a brand new angle. 
It took on a new meaning in every aspect, and 
no amount of gratitude could grasp the 
happiness I found in becoming a mother.
I became thankful for life itself and each new day.

Tomorrow, December 26th 2012 is the day our daughter will be born. 
How life will be lived with even more to love is an idea I can't yet grasp... 
Tomorrow our family becomes complete.

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About Me

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Living with intention. Life in the south as a wife, mama, hairstylist, and food lover.
