Sunday, October 28, 2012

Those Special Fall Weekends.

It feels so darn good to finally clean up our act this week.
No more laying in bed. 
No more sick.
Work, Clean & Play.
It felt incredible to wake up with a schedule and the energy to actually tackle it!
To get back to work, finally let me feel like me again.
The house is in order, I'm on top of it all again!
(Feeling oh, so good!)

Brian brought another truck load of firewood home for the season.
This means lots of cozy nights to come, and that means a happy home! 

It's been a much lighter end to our week than beginning.

..with Halloween birthday parties!...

And a Saturday afternoon to play outside...

-Sunset from the Haymes home!-

Fall is wonderful. 
It was a perfectly warm/cool day yesterday.
My grandmother is here in town, so she cooked for us all last night.
She didn't have to persuade me too much to stay.
I've gathered a few easy, fun fall recipes to try out this week and in the weeks ahead, they'll be in my next blog post to come. 
(Hope you love sweet things!)
Halloween will be here in three days!

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Living with intention. Life in the south as a wife, mama, hairstylist, and food lover.
