Monday, October 7, 2013


Birthdays are special when friends you love 
take time to celebrate you.
 Seven of us took the night off from the everyday and ventured downtown to share a little lady time, a delicious dinner and a few drinks. I tasted a french rose sangria, friends, and it was to die for. I hope she doesn't mind me posting this...but this girl below... 
she's the one who rounded us up and planned the night. 
It meant more to me than I can say. 

The last stop of the night led us home 
with dozens of doughnuts and happy hearts.
Blew my diet because it was my birthday, and you're allowed to do that sort of thing.

This post is nothing more than a "thank you" to the girls who make my life special. To making my getaways something to look forward to. For play dates with the kids, for nights out, for double dates and husbands alike. For sharing ones own struggle, and for lifting each other up. For knowing help is just a ring away. For sharing funny stories, for the hilarious laughs...
For the memories made and exciting times ahead.
A girl just can't do without.

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Living with intention. Life in the south as a wife, mama, hairstylist, and food lover.
