Monday, February 18, 2013

Life Is Not A Race.

Nothing terrible inspired this post, just many little things pushed aside again and again.
Life is too hectic. Life is too crazy. We try to do too much.
I'm guilty for trying to do it all.
My mind is made up. 
Throwing away my day planner isn't very rational, 
but deleting every preset to do on every day of the week 
(yes, it's that bad.) 
is something that has to be done.
Since December, I've been running a race.
This new chapter of my life with two beautiful children is something I've always looked forward to and I refuse to regret any one of my days spent worrying about the next.
Even Dear Ol' Dad reminded me "Life is not a race. You have the rest of your life to finish things." 
Hard to hear, but just what I needed. 
See, I try to manage everything myself and well, 
it'll make you crazy.
Lesson learned, thankfully sooner than later.
The most beautiful days in life are straight ahead, 
and it's only in my nature to prepare for them the best way I know how. 
It's time to slow things down. Way down.
For my family and for myself.

-Psalm 46:10-

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Living with intention. Life in the south as a wife, mama, hairstylist, and food lover.
