Saturday, September 28, 2013

You'll fall in love.

It was the week of dad's birthday, and I thought this might be
 -the- cake for him. 
So Brady and I got to work. Turned out pretty darn good.

Of course, I used a bundt pan, and the icing, I'm a little ashamed to was not homemade, in the least. I used (Betty Crocker, I think) buttercream frosting mixed with peanut butter. I cheated in a TERRIBLE sort of way on my diet. I basically inhaled the piece of cake. And it was so worth it. 
If you love chocolate, peanut butter, or any rich sweet in a major sort of way, this is for you.

...A very short post-worthy recipe you might want to try! Enjoy!!

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Living with intention. Life in the south as a wife, mama, hairstylist, and food lover.
