Today happened to be one of those rare and intentional l a z y days.
Well, as lazy as you can make it with a young & wild one. More things were accomplished than I'd hoped for which always makes for a successful lazy day.
I've come to find that all around me beauty is in bloom. Whether it's my new outlook on slowing down to live a simple life or the capability of recognizing a little something wonderful... every single day holds beauty, just open your eyes.
I felt it necessary to post about the beauties of today mainly because
they're as natural as they come.
And as much as society would argue, natural is beautiful.
A sweet mama keeps checking on her babies when we're playing on the front porch.
She sits close enough to watch but far enough from us.
We keep our distance, but can't help sneaking a peek at these tiny miracles ourselves.
I can't wait to hear them chirp!
Brady has a newfound happy place of his own now.
He has a rock climbing wall, a slide, swings, a wheel, and a telescope.
Seeing him at play is something I've always looked forward to because I can already sense his imagination running wild.
Not a thing in the world makes me happier than this boy.
His sometimes wild curly hair.
The way he hugs me tighter when I'm laying him down to sleep.
And yes, I could go on forever.
It's the effortless, pure, everyday sunrise to sunset that we so often miss.
It's the effortless, pure, everyday sunrise to sunset that we so often miss.
Everybody needs beauty as well as bread, places to play in and pray in, where nature may heal and give strength to body and soul. ~John Muir