Tuesday, September 6, 2011

A lively home, for sure.

"You can't change the music of your soul."
-Katharine Hepburn

    He's patched, sanded, dusted, painted, and moved furniture all because he wanted his son to be a little more comfortable. That's my husband. With little to no free time lately, he's made the time to finish a project that he himself wanted to start. His man cave has been taken over by baby. He's been hard at work with landscaping, but he's still managed to put his family above it all. Who could ask for more?  
      If I had a few pictures of Brady's new room before...you'd be amazed. Brian patched close to fifty holes in these walls before transforming it into what it is now. Fifty. Each one made by him! A man cave at it's best. But being the great dad he is, gave it all up for his little buddy. Dart board and all, but left him a little night light to keep tradition up...

    He put the finishing touches up this weekend, and the little man's room is FINISHED. For now, that is.  We kept all of the same furniture and knick knacks. We've got to buy/build shelves for his toys and books, but that's no rush.

     Having a little boy, even being only 8 months old, is SO MUCH FUN! He's the funniest kid I've ever seen, but of course I'd say that right?  He shows about 100 different expressions while he eats. He screams with his arms raised, and then smiles. He loves being in the spotlight. He now says "Bye bye" 23 hours out of each day. When you put him in front of the mirror, he'll wave and say "bye bye" to himself. He still doesn't want to crawl. He'd rather flip or roll than crawl...that's just more fun right? He loves the dogs. Diesel already knows who's boss. A 20 lb baby to a 210 lb dog? (He may even weigh more by now!) We still haven't seen a tooth...only drool. And lots of it. He's wild and crazy, and he'll give you a giant bear hug. He's made our house a home! This crazy kid has made our world so happy.


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Living with intention. Life in the south as a wife, mama, hairstylist, and food lover.
